Full Name: Anasophia Shana Lynn Crivea
Birthday: January 23, 2006
Birth time: 8:33am
Birth weight: 6 pounds, 12 ounces
Birth Length: 40.5cm
Birth Place: Women's Hospital, Winnipeg MB
Delivered by: Dr. Mark Bernier
Loving Parents: Shana Robbins and Allen Crivea
Proud Grandparents: Grandma Diana, Grandma Linda, Grandma Claudette, Grandpa Robbins, Grandpa Barrie
Proud Great Grandmother: Ollie
Proud Uncles and Aunts: Sean (Dana), Marcel (Samantha), Nadine
Proud Great Aunt and Uncles: Cathy, Jim, Gil (Marge), Rick (Char)
Proud cousins: Gaetana, Danika, Kendra, Brett, Leah, Carlie
How she got her name: Allen wanted to name her Sophia, but Shana didn't like the idea of her being nicknamed Sophie..
And we liked the name Anna, but decided it was a little too plain, so Shana added the two together, and came up with
Anasophia. Original and Beautiful, just like our daughter :)